Gefran receives the “Procurement and Supply Management Excellence Awards”

Recognizing Gefran’s excellent ability of sharing its sustainability culture along the entire supply chain, with the objective of reducing CO2e emissions impact by 2030

Procurement and Supply Management Excellence Awards 2024

Gefran has been awarded with the “Procurement and Supply Management Excellence Awards 2024” by the Italian Association for Purchasing and Supply Management (ADACI), the main national representing entity for those who work in Purchasing, Supply Management, Material Handling, Logistics and Facility Management.

Gefran's initiatives

The award has been appointed to Gefran for its initiatives in spreading a culture of sustainability along its entire supply chain. Since 2021, the company has been dedicated to projects where its suppliers could be involved in the neutralization of the Group’s carbon footprint, with the objective of reducing by 25% the impact of CO2e emissions within 2030.

Specifically, Gefran’s supply chain awareness on the topic has been greatly strengthened, at first by sharing the purpose of this sustainability culture and a common vision on the project. Secondly, by requiring concrete actions from the suppliers aimed at reducing their carbon footprint. In 2023, Gefran’s activity towards the sustainability of the supply chain helped to double the number of adhering supplier to the “Sustainability Pact” of the company over the year.

Furthermore, the awareness campaign dedicated to the supply chain has allowed to formalize the commitment towards CO2e neutralization inside of Gefran’s 2023 Sustainability Report, starting from a mapping activity that took into account not only direct Scope 1 and 2 emissions, but also indirect Scope 3 emissions, which come from suppliers and other actors along the value chain. This activity allowed to depict a full view of the Group’s carbon footprint, highlighting more impacting areas, and laid the groundwork for a roadmap made of medium to long term project and actions that will involve the Group and its supply chain.

The ADICI’s award was collected by eng. Stefano Mazzola, for its contribution in the role of Chief Procurement Officer, which saw him implementing innovative strategies, collaborating also with suppliers and implementing actions towards sustainability.

We are all really proud of this award, because it refers to a vision, Gefran’s vision, that has always seen sustainability as an active part of its business strategy” said Stefano Mazzola, Chief Procurement Officer in Gefran. ”Promoting the concept of carbon neutralization for our supply chain stands as confirmation of this vision. I wish to share this award with the entire purchasing team in Gefran and with the suppliers who supported us since the beginning of this project”.

As further proof of Gefran’s virtuous path towards the Group’s and supplier chain sustainability, the company’s project aimed at spreading the sustainability culture along the supply chain reached second place at The Procurement Awards 2024, which is assigned by The Procurement, organizer that promotes the work of chief procurement officers in Italy.